The Ultimate Guide to Baby Bedding

Bubba Blue Dinosaur Collection

There are a seemingly endless number of considerations any new parents will have to consider when shopping for their new baby. Baby bedding has its own set of guidelines and best practices which are important to consider for that newest little bundle of joy in the family. For example, did you know that babies do not need duvets and pillows and other bedding accessories? Let us help you navigate this new and exciting and sometimes daunting phase of life with our comprehensive guide to baby bedding:


A cot will be your starting point of purchase/borrow for your new bub. This will be your baby’s bed for their first few years so it should be strong, sturdy and stable so as to last for a long as it is needed. Cots come in a variety of materials, designs, shapes and sizes. The most common materials used for making cots are either wood or metal. If your cot is made from wood, it is important to ensure that there are no pointy edges, no broken slats or splintered wood as it can become dangerous for the child so at the very least check the inside surfaces to ensure your baby will sleep splinter free. If your crib is made from metal, you must be aware that it may be painted with lead-based paint which can be toxic if your baby chews, gnaws or licks it. If you are buying your cot new, it is important to know that all cots sold in Australia should comply with the current Australian safety standards, known as AS/NZS 2172. These standards are to ensure the safety of your child while they sleep. When borrowing or buying second hand, consider that they may not comply with the Australian safety standards. If that is the case, here are a few things to check and double check to ensure the safety of your baby.

The cot is deep enough to be safe for your baby.
The spacing in-between the bars is between 5cm – 9.5cm to stop your baby’s head getting stuck or falling out
Ensure the cot does not have any footholds which could enable your baby to climb out
Make sure the cot is free from sharp or protruding edges.

Things To Consider:

Adjustable cribs enable you to get just the right height that will allow you to comfortable bend and pick up the baby without difficulties. This is also good for when the baby is a bit older, as you can lower the cot closer to the ground and minimise any safety concerns once your bub is old enough to pull themselves up.
If the crib comes with skirting, they need to be cleaned on the regular. Ensure you vacuum under the bed to avoid accumulation of dust which host dust mites.
If the crib has been bought at a second-hand store or is a hand me down from a friend or relative, the best action is to change the mattress.
Some parents find that a cot with wheels is more convenient as you are able to maneuver it between rooms.

Lots of parents use a bassinette AKA Moses Basket or cradle in the first few months. If you feel like your baby looks too small or feels a little lost in their new cot, it is good to know you have alternative options.

If you’re opting for a modern-day crib, ensure it still complies with all the relevant safety guidelines.


Buying a mattress for your new bub will be a very different process than buying one for yourself. A baby’s body and breathing have not formed yet and they can become at risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). There are a few key points to follow when purchasing a mattress for your bub. These include:

Firm: Mattresses for a cot should be firm. Because your bubs bones and breathing systems are still in their growth process, a firm mattress will help support your bub and allow them to shift easily in their sleep. Soft mattresses can become a suffocation hazard.

NO GAP: It is widely agreed that there should be no more than approximately a two-finger or 25 mm gap between the sides of your mattress and the cot perimeter. A larger gap can become a hazard and dangerous for your bubs fingers, toes and breathing.
Mattresses can come in a variety of materials, models and price points. The choice will ultimately depend on your personal preference. Mattresses can come in Foam, Spring interior, Natural Fibre, Hypoallergenic mattresses and more. Whatever material you choose, don’t forget the considerations listed above.


It can be tempting to stuff your gorgeous new cot or bassinet with tons of toys, bedding, blankets, snuggles and other bits and bobs. Unfortunately, even though it might look cute, these can be potentially very dangerous for your new bub.

Babies are unable to regulate their own body temperature so stuffing blankets can cause your baby to overheat very easily during the night. Moreover, they can become choking hazards if not secured tightly. If you are using a blanket in your baby cot, then ensure that the sides and bottom are wrapped securely around the sides and bottom of the mattress. Use blankets made of light materials such as organic cotton that are breathable. Be careful not to bring the blanket up too highly, resting around chest height is sufficient and under the arms is best – avoid tucking the blanket anywhere near the chin or face of your bubs.

We recommend having multiple sets of baby bedding as they often require frequent washing and changing.

Sleeping Bags

Sleeping bags are a great nighttime option for your bub, just like this one from Plum.
Plum Polar Bear Sleep BagSleeping Bags are a great way to keep your child warm without having to worry about the risks of a blankey. They are the new trend in baby bedding and have become loved by new mums because of their practical, safe and cute designs.

You can find sleeping bags in all different shapes, sizes and patterns, weights and materials. Sleeping bags are considered safer than blankets because they don’t have choking hazards. They are breathable which assists in temperature regulation and air flow. Plus, did we mention they look adorable?

Hot Tip: Sleeping bags that have zips at the bottom will help for easy night time nappy changes so you and your bubs can get back to sleep as quickly as possible with minimal disruption.

Whether you have a passion for Organic Cotton, have fallen in love with sleeping bags or can’t decide between a cot and a bassinette, we are here to help. At Manchester Madness, we have over 20 years experience and we’re here to help you.

Shop our huge selection of affordable online baby bedding today or give us a call on 1300 668 928. We’re here to help you give your new bub the start they deserve and love in this life.

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